Establishing the Issues

An Introduction to: HIGH SCORE BUSINESS


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Welcome to High Score Business!

This blog is dedicated to the inner workings and business practices of the video game industry. Over the course of the next two months this blog will set out to educate young professionals and potential investors on the economic health of the industry leaders, as well as, focusing on the trendsetter companies that have used technological innovations to make their mark in the industry. Topic will include technological innovations, intellectual properties, co-branding, social media, and marketing practices. With an intellectual look at the past we will also see how certain companies have set themselves up for success and how other have stumbled to their failures. We all hope you take a seat back and enjoy the adventure that is High Score Business!!!

The four administrators and their responsibilities are listed as follows:

images-1Zhenghua Yang

  • Products Development and Industry Innovations
  • Mr. Yang will focus on new developments within the industry, as well as, past innovations and the economic and social impacts of them.

images-2Leslie Collin

  • Marketing and Advertising Practices
  • Mr. Collin will be using his experience with public relations and marketing to outline the advertising and social media practices for the industry leaders.

images-3William Scheffler

  • Licensing and Intellectual Property
  • Mr. Scheffler will be focusing on the intellectual property and legal process that goes into two brands converging into one product.

images-4Robert Shiver

  • Financials and Chief Editor
  • Mr. Shiver will look at the financial inputs that go into the various projects in the video game industry and how these inputs affect the economic health of the brands they represent.
  • Mr. Shiver will also serve as editor for the post of other members.

With such an incredible amount of information out there in the industry, we hope that by dividing each of our time into different business operation categories we will be able to shine a brighter light on all aspects of the business that is the video game industry.



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