The wrap up: High Score Business (conclusions)

Marketing and advertising will always look at the advancements in technology for opportunities to better communicate and engage with consumers. Through High Score Business (HSB) we were able to look at how companies utilized technology and engaged their target demographic.

Edifying the public: Wieden and Kennedy’s Community involvement

While the goal of marketing and advertising is to increase sales or get stronger consumer engagement, consumer involvement is also important—especially in the video game industry. Throughout its history, the video game has gotten a bad reputation because they seem to be monopolizing children’s time. To make sure children weren’t neglecting physical activity, Wieden and Kennedy launched campaigns such as the Find Your Greatness and extra time campaigns.

The Cool-ness of Innuendo

In the video gamming industry, many companies have come and gone. But one has stood the test of time—Nintendo. To narrow the competitive Nintendo had created many companies have tried a variety of marketing tactics. In particular HSB looked at Sega’s attempt, which involved innuendo. The campaign was successful at pandaring to their target demographic, but failed to realize that the target demographic was composed of children who relied on their parents to purchase the video games. Parents don’t want to expose their children to adult themes—especially at an impressionable age, so parents chose other gaming companies.

Video Game “Reality” 

In an age where health is becoming commonly viewed as a premium that only a select few have the luxury of enjoying; technology has started changing the Iniquitous perception that accompanies video game usage.  XOS technologies is has developed a simulator that is being utilized by a variety of teams at the pro and collegiate levels

According to the University of Oregon [Ducks] coaching staff the simulator allows the team to prepare for a diverse amount of situational football. “… All these situations that you want to prepare for, but that aren’t common enough that you’ve got a lot of video evidence to teach, you can use a simulator and describe any scenario you want, exactly the way you want [players] to see it.”

Brand Loyalty

A large part of the success Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox have enjoyed is due in part to their understanding of building brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is built on ensuring the target demo has the correct perception of the product or services’ value, has a high level of trust in the company, and is satisfied with the product or services


The video game industry provided  a great opportunity to examine marketing and advertising. The video game industry was a great example because it allowed High Score Business (HSB) to juxtapose technology, and its advances, with consumer behavior. This allowed HBS to discern how to engage a target demo.



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